What to expect

General Anesthesia

There are three main choices for anesthesia. Depending on your procedure and comfort level your oral surgeon will recommend one of the following:

  1. Local Anesthesia
  2. General Anesthesia
  3. Operating Room-Based General Anesthesia

Are oral surgeons qualified to administer anesthesia?

It is normal for many patients to feel a sense of anxiety or nervousness before a surgical procedure. Our surgical staff wants to ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible for your procedure.

We offer a variety of options for sedation when you undergo any oral surgical procedure at Permian Basin Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center. The methods used often depend on the preference of the patient, the patient’s overall health, and the nature of the surgical procedure.

Yes! All oral surgeons must undergo extensive training before administering anesthesia. In addition to their training, oral surgeons also have valuable experience in the medical field performing anesthesia, including the administration of operating room anesthesia in hospitals, as well as in-office anesthesia in specialty facilities, while performing oral surgeries. Unlike the majority of general dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons have received the highest level of licensure for dental practitioners to perform anesthesia, which allows them to perform IV sedation or general anesthesia

For Patients Receiving General Anesthesia

Do NOT eat or drink anything after midnight prior to surgery, not even water. (gum or mints are also not advised)

If you are less than 18 years of age, you MUST have a legal guardian accompany you on the day of surgery. That person must stay in the office during the procedure and escort you home after surgery. 

Your driver needs to arrive with you to the
appointment and remain in the waiting area
during your procedure.

Please wear loose-fitting clothing with sleeves that can be rolled up past the elbow, and comfortable walking shoes. Open-toed shoes are not advised, tennis shoes are recommended. 

Remove contact lenses before surgery. Please leave them at home. 

DO NOT wear lipstick, makeup, excessive
cologne/perfume, or nail polish on the day
of surgery. 

Take any pre-medications that were prescribed to you. 

Leave all valuables at home. No cell phones
will be permitted in the surgical suite. 

What to expect.

Local Anesthesia

IV sedation is administered through an intravenous line and allows the patient to fall completely asleep throughout the procedure. This option is commonly used in semi-invasive surgical procedures, such as bone grafting and extractions, and can also be utilized when patients experience a high level of anxiety.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation or General Anesthesia

Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas”, is the lightest form of sedation. The medication will be administered by breathing through a nasal mask. Nitrous is very short acting and is completely eliminated from the body within minutes after being turned off. This allows the patient the ability to leave the office without an escort because there is no hang-over effect. Although the effects vary from patient to patient, most patients feel that nitrous oxide “just takes the edge off”.

Hospital or Operating Room-Based General Anesthesia

If you undergo an extensive procedure, such as facial trauma surgery or jaw reconstruction, you may undergo general anesthesia in a hospital or our state-of-the-art surgery suite, which is administered by an anesthesiologist.

Get to know us.

At Permian Basin Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, we strive for excellence in serving you. Our board-certified surgeons and expert staff will provide the care you need and deserve.

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