Surgical Instructions
To help you prepare for your upcoming treatment, we’ve created some videos that describe your pre-and post-operative instructions. we have instructional videos for a variety of different procedures, so make sure to watch the ones that relate to your specific treatment. Following these instructions will help to ensure you receive optimal results from treatment.
Your pre- and post- operative instructions will also be discussed during your appointment, where you will get a chance to ask your surgeon questions regarding your procedure. Please contact our office if you have any additional questions regarding your pre- and post-operative instructions.

Pre-Operative Instructions
Do not eat or drink ANYTHING for six hours before your surgery appointment. (Exception: If you take prescription medicine, these may be taken with a small amount of water. Remember, when taking any medications before your surgery, follow instruction given to you by your surgeon at your prior appointment.) Clean your mouth and teeth well prior to surgery to help.

Post-Operative Instructions: General & Wisdom Teeth Extractions
After teeth are extracted, it’s important for a blood clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. That’s why we ask you to bite on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes after the appointment. If the bleeding or oozing still persists, insert another gauze pad and bite firmly for another 30 minutes.

Post-Operative Instructions: Dental Implants
Please read this important information regarding proper post-surgical care for dental implants. It is imperative that you follow the instructions listed below carefully, to maximize your healing and improve the long-term outcome of your dental implant(s). Do NOT disturb the wound. Avoid spitting or touching the wound for a few days after surgery.

Post-Operative Instructions: Bone Grafting
Do not disturb the wound. Avoid rinsing, spitting, or touching the wound on the day of surgery. Be as gentle as you can around the bone grafting area. Try to maintain all graft material at the surgical site. Bleeding Some bleeding or redness in the saliva is normal for 24 hours.

Post-Operative Instructions: Sinus Lift
Please read this important information regarding proper post-surgical care after a sinus lift for dental implants. This treatment is performed to increase the height of bone available for your implant(s). It is imperative that you follow the instructions listed below carefully, to maximize your healing and improve the long-term outcome of your dental implant(s).

Pre-Operativas Instrucciones
No coma o beba NADA por lo menos seis horas antes de su cirugía. (Excepción: Si toma medicina prescrita, puede tomarla con una cantidad pequeña de agua. Recuerde, cuando tome cualquier medicamento antes de la cirugía, siga las instrucciones dadas por su cirujano en su consulta previa a su cirugía.) Limpie bien su boca y dientes antes de su cirugía

Instrucciones Postoperatorias: Extracción de Diente General y de Muelas de Juicio
Después que los dientes sean extraídos, es importante que se forme un coágulo de sangre para parar el sangrado y para comenzar el proceso de recuperación. Por eso le pedimos que muerda un cojín de gasa de 30-40 minutos después de la cita. Si el sangrado o la rezuma todavía persisten, inserte otro cojín y muerda la gasa firmemente por

Instrucciones Postoperatorias: Injerto Del Hueso
No perturbe la herida. Evite enjuagarse la boca, escupir, o tocar la herida el día de la cirugía. Sea lo más cuidadoso posible alrededor del área del injerto de hueso. Intente mantener todo el material del injerto en el sitio quirúrgico. Sangrado Cierta sangrado o rojez en la saliva por 24 horas es normal. El sangrado puede ser controlado mordiendo

Instrucciones Postoperatorias: Elevación Del Seno
Por favor lea esta información importante con respecto al cuidado postquirúrgico apropiado después de una elevación del seno para los implantes dentales. Este tratamiento se realiza para aumentar la altura del hueso disponible para sus implantes. Es imprescindible que usted siga las instrucciones enumeradas abajo cuidadosamente, para maximizar su cura y mejorar el resultado a largo plazo de sus implantes

Instrucciones Postoperatorias: Implantes Dentales
Por favor lea esta información importante con respecto al cuidado postquirúrgico apropiado para los implantes dentales. Es imprescindible que usted siga cuidadosamente las instrucciones enumeradas abajo, para acelerar su cura y mejorar el resultado a largo plazo de sus implantes dentales. NO perturbe la herida. Evite escupir o tocar la herida por unos días después de la cirugía. Puede haber…
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At Permian Basin Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, we strive for excellence in serving you. Our board-certified surgeons and expert staff will provide the care you need and deserve.
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We focus on providing the highest quality treatment with care and compassion, placing every patient at the center of what we do.